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We have founded Pinpoil Ocio S. L. ( Pinpoil Ocio Limitid ) in 2005 to cope with all of the newest possibilities which have been created by the developing leisure and tourism industry in Vizcaya and in the Basque Country. The company parallel in its philosophy with the Pinpoil Ocio Association, created new employment opportunities for many youth, as well as professionals in the education field. Pinpoil Ocio successfully managed and organized educational, cultural and sporting events and extracurricular activities in different schools: creativity workshops, games and crafts, musical education, language camps and educational holiday trips to foreign countries are all in our portfolio. In addition to trainings we are managing shows, birthday parties, special events to private employers as hotels and businesses. All of these projects are the proof of our development and expansion within the tourism and leisure industry and gained us a lot of satisfied and happy customers and employees at every holiday season.
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[blockquote align=»right»] We educate you to have fun, and we are having fun through education! [/blockquote]
Pinpoil Ocio is a young company which has its origin from the nonprofit youth organization sector. Pinpoil Ocio Association has been founded in Sopelana (Bilbao) at 1993. This group has over 15 years experience working for the youngest of the area and helped and supported by a team of volunteers with common ideas like promote leisure, recreation, entertainment and fun, without closing out the social values. All of these years we were promoting integrity to every child and working with co-educational attitudes and spirit. Our qualified team has not only have formal pedagogical trainings and competence, but has interests to transmits personal development through playing and sports, so we all try to show different ways to enjoy leisure time in a healthy way without losing the educational sense. We also keep in mind the main sociological principles in every possible step of the personal developments, to train the most responsible citizens for the society and the environment. We consider the ideal free time as an educational intervention, where we have the opportunity to transmit this intervention with the most enjoyable ways, to allow the full socialization and development of the children. Pinpoil Association from the founding year has been formed by a large team of volunteers. We organized sport events and holiday camps in collaboration with other association like Serviocio, and legislative bodies like The City Council of Sopelana and the County Council of Vizcaya. Currently we have moved from our former headquarters in Arrietara, and found a new office in Sopelana very close to the Atlantic Ocean.
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[one_third_last] [image icon=»zoom» lightbox=»true» size=»medium»] http://pinpoil.es/wp-content/uploads/2aQuines_somos.jpg [/image]
[image icon=»zoom» lightbox=»true» title=»»]http://pinpoil.es/wp-content/uploads/2a1Associacion1.jpg[/image]